Hi there, I am a 31 year old Mum of one living in the North West of England with my partner Jonathan and 1 year old daughter Charlotte, this is my blog.
I am not new to blogging,in fact I have two others, my first I set up in 2011 to help with losing weight, this in my eyes was a successful blog with over 30,000 hits. My second blog was set up in 2012 to share my pregnancy journey.
Since becoming a Mum I have been AWOL from the blogging scene, I lost my direction with the weight loss and the pregnancy one was no longer needed. In the past few months I have wanted to start an online blog to be able to share my thoughts, opinions, feelings on a whole range of things; I want to be able to connect with the online community a lot more and be able to chart my daughters childhood.
So in essence my blog is going to be about me and my life, it's not an exciting life but it is filled with love, happiness, adventure and a little bit of silliness so expect to see posts on what I love, what I hate, moaning, shopping, recipes, days out and more than likely a lot of posts involving my beautiful, amazing daughter.